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Paklyanova Olga Mikhailovna

The Head of the Department in organization and holding region cultural mass activities.

“College for me is the place where professionals and WorldSkills championes are prepared”




Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky, Geography faculty. Speciality: teacher of Geography and Biology.


  • Coordination of all college departments in organizing and holding region cultural mass activities
  • Developing information space for colleges of secondary professional education and social partners
  • Coordinator of WorldSkills Russia in Yaroslavl region since 2017


Honoured certificate of Yaroslavl Region Department of Education (2013)

Thankful letters for organization the National Championship and Regional Championship “Young Professionals” WorldSkills Russia (2016, 2017)

Took part in:

  • The work of program WorldSkills coordinators in Yaroslavl region
  • Videoconference on the problems of organization of WorldSkills demo-exam

Qualification courses in:

 Pastukhov State Academy of Industrial Management (2018)